Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Biz

WARNING: Shameless marketing ploy ahead.

I have had my online store, Shoppe Unique, for a while now and was doing fairly well for  a new store at first, until the economy went to hell. I have a website that links to the store and to a blog, where I post photos and a little info on the newest pieces I make. I have upped my designs a bit, using only 14k gold and sterling silver metals, plus genuine stones. But all that is on my website. So, if anyone is interested in taking a look (and you can subscribe to the blog like you have this one, I only post every couple months) You can see the website at: http://www.shoppeunique.com/.  There are buttons under the logo that will take you to the blog or to the shop directly. You can also see some of my older items (and cheaper) at http://www.chloesnook.etsy.com/. Lastly, might as well tout my other site, http://www.paranormalportals.com/ which also has a button for the paranormal shop (though not much in it yet) Shameless plugging complete, with sincere apologies. And I promise my next blog will be way more entertaining.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Its All Relative

Here is a cool bit of history for all my paternal relatives.
This photo came from an auction book. The item being auctioned was a very worn out string of pearls, enclosed in its original box from the Litschert jewelry store in Indiana. This is a real find too. I have been hunting all over for any kind of memorabilia from that store and so far this photo is all I have found. I would have loved to have discovered this in time for the auction, especially considering the pearls and box went for under $40.00. Opportunities missed.

Another interesting bit I found is this photo of a Litschert scope, a once popular riflescope that was invented by an R.A. Litschert, possibly around the beginning of the 20th century. He eventually sold the business in the 1960s. These scopes are apparently now collector’s items and start in the $250 range. I do not know who R.A. is, but I would bet the farm the “R” is for Robert, which seems to be the first name of choice for males in the family.

If anyone has any more info on any of these things, please share.