Friday, June 08, 2018

Trump's Immigration Policy Again Exposes His True Self

Trump is currently enforcing, to the letter, a decades-old immigration policy whereby he is separating children, some as young as 18 months old, from their families and putting them in separate detention centers. Even this brutal law, that no administration has ever fully enforced until now, says the detention period can be no more than 20 days and the children are to be put in foster care immediately.

Trump, as usual, is playing party politics, lying, and passing the buck, saying that the DEMOCRATS are at fault here and they need to pass better legislation. Last time I checked, all 3 branches of government were Republican controlled.

The silence on this matter from the Republicans is deafening. I have heard a brave few speak out, ( ones who are retiring soon anyway)but have heard no plans for change or real pushback on this. Instead, everyone seems to be fascinated with the Stormy Daniels nonsense.

These are not "thug Mexicans", but rather, they are refugees, evacuating dictatorships.  People from places like Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Columbia are literally "fleeing" for their lives. They do not have time to prepare for the "welcome" at our border and most do not sit and watch TV or have cell/ internet access where they can even be warned of what is happening.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced what he calls a "zero tolerance" policy in Arizona. He said the Federal Government would criminally prosecute anyone crossing the border, including those seeking asylum.

When did we stop being America?

Apparently in June of 2018, when The United Nations labeled Trump (Excuse me, Drumpf, not Trump, his family changed there name when they came to this country) of being a human rights violator. Read that again. An American president is being labeled a human rights violator by the rest of the world. I do not care what your politics are, this is wrong, be you Democrat, Republican, Christian or Athiest.

How much more of our democracy are we going to let this man take away? How much longer are we going to abide by the Dictator's Playbook and allow him to control us with fear, charges of fake news, and blatant lies that no one seems to care about? If you think I am being an alarmist, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) tried to tour one of these detention centers and was turned away. OUR representative in the government was not allowed to see inside a detention center.

I remember when he first became president, Bill Maher warned us that the worst thing that could happen would be that all his craziness, his mental instability, lies and senile antics would become 'normal" to us. Guess what folks, welcome to his "Great Again" America.

I will end this blog with a series of pictures. Please take a look and then tell me this man should inhabit the White House and not a prison cell.

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