Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sarah Palin: The Mystery, The Maverick, The Slutty Flight Attendant (or the blog with too many parentheses)

Aside from George W., I cannot think of a face that enrages me more to lay eyes upon than Sarah Palin (okay, maybe that Burger King guy).

Without going into my usually extensively long tirade about the GOP (yes family, I know my roots. Seems there have been only 2 other liberal dissenters, one has passed away and the other’s identity is safe with me) I simply want to comment on this woman since she LOST THE ELECTION (never stops feeling gooood to write that).

There are some who admire her Christian values (though she has a known reputation for acting out personal vendettas again those who cross her). Some who admire her family values (like housing her unwed daughter’s lover and denying it, oh and having a man fired who would not fire her sis’s ex because he hurt her feelings) and yet others who are drawn to that all-American soccer mom way about her (yea, I especially love that feeling when I see her shooting wolves from a helicopter and flashing that wink-and-a-smile- Ole Sarah is famous for). Oh, and let’s not forget her dedication to her job (according to insiders she had her husband running the governorship 50% of the time, see VF article ) and her stellar reputation (in high school her nick-name was Barracuda and during the campaign she was refereed to as “Diva” and “little shop of horrors” by her own staff). Yes, Sarah Palin lives up to exactly what we have all come to expect from the GOP.

Recently, however, I have been a bit concerned about good ole Sarah. After the David letterman feud (, which was yet another obvious ploy to keep her botoxed face in the media, the ever-smiling Palin has decided to resign mid-term! For anyone not familiar with her bizarre resignation speech, which at times is barely coherent, here is a link:

I just honestly want to know what this woman is thinking? Every pundit is screaming that this is the worst thing she can do if she plans on running in 2012 (See, the Mayans were right, it IS the end of the world). How can she “better serve America” by not being in office? It boggles the mind!

So, here are my reasons for subjecting you to this pointless blog:
1-I get to write LOST THE ELECTION twice!
2-I get to share my personal Top Ten Reasons For Hating Sarah Palin
3-I get to share the very insightful VF article with you:
4-I get to write my first entry on my new blog!

Top Ten Reasons I hate Sarah Palin:

10: She abandoned her post as governor, making her a quitter in my book
9: She has not changed her hairstyle since her Homecoming Queen days
8: She refuses to own up to mistakes or the fact she is ignorant on a subject.
7: How she ALWAYS smiles when she speaks, no matter the gravity of the subject.
6: She is a Republican.
5: She was chosen over much more qualified (albeit less attractive) females.
4: She shoots wolves from a helicopter! Not only is that inhumane, it is cheating!
3: She pretends to be MY candidate when I have more in common with an acorn.
2: She is a conservative, dogmatic, judgmental Christian.
1: That stupid wink which is arrogant and ignorant at the same time.

Thank you for reading my blog. It means a lot to me.
Please check out the links I have listed, I think you will find them enlightening and entertaining. And please, if you have opinions or comments, leave a comment or send me an email.

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